You would like to learn French, Irish or even Swedish language? Great, that’s perfect timing, as we have just drawn for you a top 5 of the best free language learning apps on iPhone and Android. Ready? So let’s get started.
Duolingo : Best Language Learning App
Best language learning app is definitely Duolingo. Available on both Android and iPhone plus also windows phones, Duolingo allows you to practice all the following languages : French, Italian, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Irish, Danish, Swedish, Dutch, English and more.
Now why is Duolingo the best app? Because it is so easy to use! You don’t even have to create an account, you just have to download the app from the app store and you can start using it. The drawings are a bit childish, which makes is the most popular language app with children. It uses different media – pictures, audio, video, texts – about all topics and also provides lessons on general grammatical subjects. Best is you can even access it on offline mode, so you don’t need a Wi-Fi to start learning!
Babbel : Great At Learning Conversation
A bit more adapted to adults, Babbel app focuses more on conversational learning as you progress, which is its best quality. With its 10 to 15 minutes lessons, you will learn as well new vocabulary and phrases as reminders of what you have already learnt. What we like the most about Babbel? It sets you little challenges, as spelling a word out, speak it aloud or else fit it into a sentence. Available both on Android and iPhone, it covers the same languages as Duolingo and also provides lessons for offline learning.
Memrise : Top Memorising Aspect
What is unique about Memrise app is how it puts words and phrases into sentences with similar sounds words from your native language to help you make a connection for easier memorising. It also mixes up the translations using mems, sentences or images. The free basic functionnalities mainly act as a vocabulary builder but you have the possibility to subscibe at a monthly fee of $9 to get access to games and offline mode.
Available on Android and iPhone, it teaches more than 150 different languages, even uncommon ones. Amongst them, French, Kanji, Esperanto, Cantonese, Mandarin, Finnish, Icelandic, Arabic, Italian, Spanish, German, Chinese, Portuguese, Irish, Danish, Swedish, Dutch, English and more.
Busuu : Most Well-Designed Language Learning App
Why does Busuu user base count more than 60 million learners? Because it is one of the most well-designed language learning app there is today. What we love about it is also its fun way of learning, with flashcards, quizzes and games. Another noticeable thing about Busuu app is that it come in very handy while travelling : it lets you chat with native speakers, have them correct you when you’re wrong and let you earn points by correcting other learners.
Available on both Android and iPhone with an offline mode option and allows you to learn French, Turkish, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Polish, Spanish, German, Portuguese, English and more.
Rosetta Stone : A Traveler App
If you’re looking for a more professional-grade service, go for Rosetta Stone app. It functionning is quite basic but its content is wide and complete. One good thing is that you can directly skip forward to any lesson you like. It also comes with a searchable phrase book very useful while traveling. The basic options are free but you can also buy more content if the free one is not enough for you.
Available on both Android and iPhone, you’ll be able to learn a few languages as French, Italian, Spanish, German, and more.